Planning Board

The Planning Board consists of five members and one alternate appointed by the Town Board.
Current Planning Board members are:

Alane Vogel
Term Expires 12/31/2025
Judith Gourley
Term Expires 12/31/2028
Henry Friedman
Term Expires 12/31/2029
Deputy Chairperson
Pamela Peterson
Term Expires 12/31/2027
Sandy Powell
Term Expires 12/31/2026

Kathy Santaniello is the Recording Secretary.

The Planning Board meets on the first Thursday of each month and its meetings are open to the public. 
Any change in specific meeting dates will be posted outside the Hague Community Center.

The purpose of the Planning Board is to:

  • Assure that the development within the Town is consistent with the Land Use Plan (Comprehensive Plan)
  • Conduct site plan reviews as required by the Town Zoning and Codes, and review subdivision requests as required by the Town Subdivision Code.
  • Make recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeals when requested as part of the variance appeal process.

Brief and general descriptions of the processes can be found at:
Site Plan Reviews 
Subdivision Approvals
In unusual situations the processes may vary.

Visit the Town's E-Code to view Public Documents including the Planning Board Agendas and Minutes.