Points of Interest
Hague Community Center, Town Offices, & Historical Museum
9793 Graphite Mountain Road (Rt. 8) P.O. Box 509 Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-6161 www.townofhague.org www.facebook.com/Town-of-Hague-Community-Center www.instagram.com/town_of_hague/
Local USPS
Hague Post Office
9840 Graphite Mountain Road (Rt. 8) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-6333
Silver Bay Post Office
8461 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) Silver Bay, NY 12874 (518) 543-6613
Hague Town Park, Beach, Boat Launch, & Visitors Center
9060 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) (518) 543-6239
Hague Steamer Dock
Dock Road Hague, NY 12836
Veteran’s Park
Corner of Rt. 8 and Rt. 9N
Peggy’s Point Park
Rt. 9N (across from Made in Hague Shop)
Elephant Rock
Rt. 8 (4 miles from center of town)
About the Adirondack Park
The Adirondack Park was created in 1892 by the State of New York amid concerns for the water and timber resources of the region. Today the Park is the largest publicly protected area in the contiguous United States, greater in size than Yellowstone, Everglades, Glacier, and Grand Canyon National Park combined. The boundary of the Park encompasses approximately 6 million acres, nearly half of which belongs to all the people of New York State and is constitutionally protected to remain “forever wild” forest preserve. The remaining half of the Park is private land which includes settlements, farms, timber lands, businesses, homes, and camps.

Hiking / Snowshoeing Trails
- Berrymill Pond, New Hague Road
- Jabe Pond, Split Rock Road
- Deer Leap, Rt. 9N
- Five Mile Mountain, Rt. 9N
General Stores
The Hague Market
9844 Graphite Mountain Road (Rt. 8) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-6555 the-new-hague-marketllc.square.site/ www.facebook.com/haguemarket
Silver Bay General Store
8417 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) Silver Bay, NY 12874 (518) 543-6441 www.facebook.com/silverbaygeneralstore
Juniper on 2
9844 Graphite Mountain Road (Rt. 8) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-6875 www.facebook.com/JuniperOn2
Carriage Barn and Gifts
9837 Graphite Mountain Road (Rt. 8) Hague, NY 12836
Made in Hague
9077 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) Hague, NY 12836 www.facebook.com/MadeInHague
Hague Firehouse Restaurant
9813 Graphite Mountain Road (Rt. 8) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-6266 www.haguefirehouse.com www.facebook.com/haguefirehouserestaurant
Martucci’s Restaurant at the Northern Lake George Resort
See accommodations >
Marina / Rentals / Fishing
Dockside Landing Marina
9130 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-8888 www.lakegeorgeboats.com www.facebook.com/lakegeorgeboats
Snug Harbor South
7968 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) Silver Bay, NY 12874 (518) 543-8866 www.snugharbormarinainc.com www.facebook.com/pages/Snug%20Harbor%20South/
Justy-Joe Charters
6 Lakeview Road Hague, NY 12836 (877) 249-7472 www.newyorkfishing.com www.facebook.com/lakegeorgecharters
Places of Worship
Hague Baptist Church
9830 Graphite Mountain Road (Rt. 8) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-8899 www.facebook.com/Hague-Baptist-Church
Church of the Blessed Sacrament
9790 Graphite Mountain Road (Rt. 8) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-8828
Lakeside Regional Church
9803 Graphite Mountain Road (Rt. 8) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-4594 www.lakesideregionalchurch.org www.facebook.com/LakesideRegionalChurch
Grace Memorial Chapel
103 Sabbath Day Point Road Silver Bay, NY 12874 gracememorialchapel.org
Camping / Accommodations
Roger’s Rock Campground
9894 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 585-6746 www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/24493.html www.facebook.com/pages/Rogers%20Rock%20Campground/
Trout House Village Resort
9117 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-6088 www.trouthouse.com www.facebook.com/LakeGeogeTroutHouse
Hague Motel
9052 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) Hague, NY 12836 (518) 543-6631 www.haguemotel.com www.facebook.com/pages/Hague%20Motel/
Silver Bay YMCA Retreat Center
87 Silver Bay Road Silver Bay, NY 12874 (518) 543-8833 www.silverbay.org www.facebook.com/SilverBayYMCA
Northbrook Motel and Cottages
7924 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) Silver Bay, NY 12874 (518) 543-6020 www.northbrookcottagescom.wordpress.com
Northern Lake George Resort
8074 Lakeshore Drive (Rt. 9N) Silver Bay, NY 12874 (518) 543-6528 www.northernlakegeorge.com www.facebook.com/northernlakegeorgeresort1
Pet Boarding / Grooming
Trout Brook Boarding
990 New Hague Road Hague, NY 12836 (518) 585-6884 www.facebook.com/troutbrookboarding/ www.instagram.com/trout_brook_boarding/