
The Assessor's Office administers all aspects of real property assessment in the Town of Hague. The town, county and school budgets determine the amount of tax to be raised from local property owners. The Assessor's Office lists all property in the Town and estimates the value of each parcel. The assessment determines the share each property owner will pay toward the total budgeted amount. Hague had 1,759 parcels and a total assessed value of $1,023,157,812 for 2023. To view a listing of all assessed values, click on the "Link to Assessment Roll" section link below.

Our staff can assist you with general data, valuation and equity questions, exemptions and grievances.

There are many exemptions allowed by law, including the STAR program. This program is available to all primary residents and owners. Click here for more information and to register online.

A wealth of information pertaining to assessments and assessors can be found on the The Warren County Real Property website.

Stop by the office or e-mail us if you have questions about your assessment, want to know which exemptions you might be eligible for or if you need any other information related to your property and its assessment. 

Office of the Assessor Info

Related Links


David Martucci


Monday and Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm

Amanda Peterson

Assessor Clerk

Monday and Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm


Phone: (518) 543 - 6161
(ext. 19 Dave, ext. 23 Amanda)
Fax: (518) 543 - 6273


9793 Graphite Mountain Road
Hague, New York 12836
