
HVFD Town Hall Meeting April 2nd


Town Hall Meeting:Hague Volunteer Fire Department informational presentation as it pertains to sustainability and billing for EMS services.April 2nd at 5:30PM at the Community Center....

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MARCH ZBA Meeting Canceled


The Meeting of ZBA for this month (MARCH) is Canceled....

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Boat Slip needed for HVFD


Hague Volunteer Fire Department and the Town of Hague is seeking a Boat Slip to keep the Hague Fire and EMS boat at for this......

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Community Survey


Survey asking for your opinions on Hague’s amenities and quality of life: The Town of Hague is seeking input from the community to update our 2017......

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Short Term Rental Application


The Town of Hague Zoning office is now taking applications for Short Term Rent STR Application...

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We have a New e-mail sign-up list for Town of Hague Alerts


Please see our new e-mail sign up to stay up to date on alerts from the Town of Hague !...

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Reoccurring Town Board meeting every 2nd Tuesday, 6pm ZOOM link.


NOTE: the March 12th meeting will begin at 4:30pm, followed by the STR Public Hearing at 6pm. The Town of Hague is inviting you to a......

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